Health Clinic
School Illness & Medication Policies
Please do not send sick students to school. Bishop O'Connell High School, in accord with the Arlington Diocese Office of Catholic Schools, follows our stated illness policy as listed in the student handbooks on page 86-87. Individuals who are unwell should not return to school until their symptoms have resolved and they have been fever free for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication. Families are encouraged to seek guidance for specific illness situations from their primary care provider and provide medical documentation for illness absences in excess of three (3) school days. Remember to keep attendance informed about your student’s ability to attend class.
During school hours, if your student communicates with you electronically that he or she feels unwell, please tell him or her to go to the clinic. ALL students who become unwell during the school day will be dismissed from the clinic after a nurse has spoken to a parent per diocesan and school policy. Emails giving parental permission for a student to leave are not acceptable. Uber/Lyft and/or taxi cannot be used for illness transportation per school policy.
Medication policy - At Bishop O'Connell High School, per diocesan and school policy, students are not allowed to self-carry any prescription or over-the-counter medications during the school day. This includes cough drops. Please check your student's Magnus portal to check what over -the-counter medications you have authorized for your student(s). Cough drops, generic regular strength Tylenol (650Mg) and TUMS are available at the clinic with parental authorization. NOTE: Only students who require life saving medication may self-carry during the school day when all documentation has been completed and approved. We appreciate your support of school policies.
Contact or 703-237-1443 if you have any questions.
About the Clinic

The Bishop O’Connell Health Clinic works with students and faculty who have ongoing medical needs, who become ill at school, or who sustain an injury during the school day. Clinic personnel administer daily medication, assist with health and safety related questions, and work with faculty and staff to optimize the learning environment for students.
The clinic is staffed with a full time and part time nurse between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. routinely.
Our full-time nurse, Kimberly Phillips, MSN, APRN, RN, graduated from Syracuse University with her nursing degree in 2005. She has worked in a variety of clinical settings, including pediatric intensive care, pediatrics and geriatrics. She is a member of the National Association of School Nurses.
Mrs. Katie Dyer, BSN, RN received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Florida State University. She has worked in a variety of clinical settings to include telemetry, ICU, PACU and outpatient surgery. She is a member of the National Association of School Nurses.
Mrs. Katie Saybolt, BSN, RN received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Pennsylvania. She has worked in a variety of clinical settings to include inpatient med/surg, ICUs, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, PACU, outpatient surgery, school nursing, and in multiple roles as a nurse for the US Navy. She is currently a member of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses.
To contact the Bishop O’Connell Health Clinic please call (703) 237-1443 or e-mail
REMINDER - If your student needs an inhaler or epi-pen while in school, you must have completed the appropriate forms before he or she is allowed to carry the medication. Any questions, please contact the clinic directly at (703) 237-1443.
As a unique specialty within the nursing profession, the school nurse strives to meet the health and safety needs of both the student population and the school faculty and staff. To accomplish this, the school nurse acquires a wide range of knowledge, keeps current in CPR and First Aid, and attends continuing education conferences.
Online Health Forms
Parents use the secure Magnus Health link on the MyDJO Parent page to submit health forms. Find out more about required forms...