Student Technology
NEW! Class of 2029 Chromebook Program
For the 2025-2026 school year, Bishop O’Connell High School is implementing a new school-managed Chromebook program for the incoming class of 2029, in order to facilitate the collaborative use of technology in each student’s learning experience. The technology fee that each family pays at enrollment covers the cost of the device and associated warranties and software. The Chromebook will be procured and managed by Bishop O’Connell High School for each student, and will be used during class time as directed by the teacher, as well as for study purposes outside the classroom.
This program is designed to streamline the learning experience by providing students with consistent, reliable access to technology during school hours. The decision to implement this policy stems from the school’s commitment to ensuring that all students have equal access to the resources they need to thrive academically. In addition to reducing distractions and promoting focused learning, the use of school-managed Chromebooks will be vital for online testing, including upcoming College Board assessments, which are transitioning to fully digital formats.
BYOD Program Information
Classes of 2025, 2026, 2027 & 2028 ONLY
Technology, like textbooks and other classroom materials, is an integral part of the resources that your students need for their learning, both at school and at home. You can find more details on what is required for the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program below. You can also contact our staff in the Walsh Technology Center with any questions about your students' devices, what applications they may need, etc. by emailing
All students need a dedicated device to use at school. They are required to bring a laptop to school with them every day that they are on campus. Students should be ready to use their devices all day, which means that they should make sure they charge their computers every night so that they are ready with a full charge each day. Devices must be charged every night.
IT policies and procedures are detailed in the Bishop O’Connell Student Handbook.
The BYOD program details for the classes of 2025-2028 are as follows:
Required Hardware for class of 2025-2028 (minimum requirements)
Required Applications (Class of 2025-2028)
Purchasing a Computer?
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