24-25 O'Connell Swim & Dive Team Registration


This online form serves as a parent permission and payment form ($250) for the 2024-2025 Swim & Dive season.
PLEASE NOTE -  A team suit, swim cap with your name, two team Under Armour performance T-shirts, an Under Armour sweatshirt and Under Armour sweat pants are included with your fee. Extra funds go toward social events, meet costs, and the end of season banquet.
If you have any questions, please contact swimanddive@bishopoconnell.org.
Swim Cap


Women's Swimsuit


Men's Swimsuit


Student's Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Swimmer or Diver?required
Returning team member? required
Under Armour Performance T-Shirt Sizerequiredincluded with team fee
included with team fee
Sweatshirt sizerequiredincluded with team fee
included with team fee
Sweatpants sizerequiredincluded with team fee
included with team fee
ONLY ANSWER THIS QUESTION IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PURCHASING an Under Armour Bench Coat (black with O'Connell logo) if we can get a reasonable price on a group order. Let us know what size you would be interested in:This question is optional!
This question is optional!
Ladies Team Suit Style?required
Size of Lightdrop Back
Size of Challange Suit
Style of Men's SuitrequiredIncluded with team fee
Included with team fee
Jammer Size
Brief Size

Optional Second Team Suit

Optional second team suit Ladies Team Style?
Size of Lightdrop Back
Size of Challange Suit
Optional second suit Style of Men's Suit
Jammer Size
Brief Size

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
VolunteerrequiredYou are required to choose AT LEAST one opportuinity: Refer to email for Committee description
You are required to choose AT LEAST one opportuinity: Refer to email for Committee description
Granting Permission/Eletronic Signaturerequired

Payment Information

Please complete captcha below to proceed to payment selection.

Please select a payment typerequired
Billing Addressrequired
Cardholder Namerequired