* Required

The O'Connell community is over 18,000 alumni strong - and growing! As a benefit to our alumni and current families, we invite you to post your information in our O'Connell Business Directory.

Registering your company/business to appear in our online O'Connell Business Directory is easy and we'll encourage current parents, alumni and friends of the school to patronize businesses owned/operated by those with a strong O'Connell connection.

There is no cost for alumni or current parents to list a business.

Your business listing will include your name, class year (if applicable), email, phone and website address. Your listing is good for one year after submission and you'll be prompted to update your information on a periodic basis.

Sponsors will receive additional exposure with logos and hotlinks to their company websites. Find out more about sponsorships by emailing Laura Friel (lfriel@bishopoconnell.org)

Questions? Email us at alumni@bishopoconnell.org or call 703-237-1446.

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