Spiritual Life Committee
All parents are invited to join the Spiritual Life Committee, which prays for the O’Connell students, faculty and families, and helps provide opportunities for parents to strengthen and grow their faith. Participation at every level is welcome. Contact spirituallife@bishopoconnell.org to be added to our mailing list.
Prayer Connection - Parents, faculty, staff, alumni, and students are invited to become members of the Bishop O'Connell Knights Intercessors Prayer Connection. This is an email group of 250+ members dedicated to praying for the intentions of our O'Connell community. Prayer requests are assembled into a weekly Wednesday email. If you have a prayer request, please send an email to Knightsintercessors@bishopoconnell.org. Use THIS LINK to join our Prayer Connection.
Moms UKnighted in Prayer - This is a group of mothers who meet in Campus Ministry's Don Bosco Conference Room on Thursdays at 8:00 am when school is in session to pray for Bishop O'Connell students, faculty/staff, and administration. (8:00 - 8:45 a.m. Prayer and 8:45 - 9:00 a.m. Fellowship.) There is also a Zoom option. The motto is "Come when you can and leave when you have to." Meetings are designed so that mothers can jump in or leave early if they need to. Please email MomsUknightedinPrayer@