Muller Center

The Muller Academic Services program supports students with documented accommodations such as an IEP/SAP/504 plan to ensure they have the tools necessary to be successful in high school. Upon review of your child’s application, the Muller Center may recommend that your child participate in a study skills class, or continue with accommodations on a monitored basis. 

Students in the study skills class work in small groups with a dedicated resource teacher. This class plays a pivotal role in their transition to the high school level curriculum. Upperclassmen may continue to utilize the Muller Center services depending on their needs and the center’s availability. 

Benefits of the Muller Academic Services include:

  • Academic support
  • Small group setting
  • An environment that allows students to explore and refine their unique learning styles
  • Fostering students’ self-advocacy skills as they acclimate to the high school learning environment

If your child currently receives accommodations at their elementary school, or if they’ve ever had psychoeducational testing, families must include these in their application. 

Students enrolled in the study skills course through the Muller Center will incur an additional fee of $3,200 annually.  Questions? Please contact us at


Muller Center Staff

Mrs. Mary Newbold

Mrs. Mary Newbold

Director of Special Services
Mrs. Caroline McGinn

Mrs. Caroline McGinn

Ms. Celia Kennedy

Ms. Celia Kennedy

Teacher, Head Coach - Cheerleading
Mr. Michael Hawald

Mr. Michael Hawald

Mr. Eric Whitehead

Mr. Eric Whitehead
